Bộ tài liệu dạy BB của PingSkills có phụ đề tiếng Việt


Trung Sỹ
Strokes & Techniques

Lob Against Smash
There is a lot more to a successful lob than simply getting the ball back on the table. Watch this lesson to learn how to improve your chances of winning the point when forced back from the table.
00:00:06,049 --> 00:00:10,879
To execute the lob in table tennis you need
to have a stroke that is very similar to your

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top spin stroke. So with both the forehand
and backhand you are starting low and finishing

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high. With the lob what you want to do is
brush the ball up and get the ball high up

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into the air to give yourself a little bit
more time. The contact is like the top spin

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brushing the ball a little bit to get a bit
of top spin on the ball. Where you want to

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place the ball when your lobbing tactically
it's really important that you get the ball

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nice and long and deep on the table. If you
get the ball short and close to the net it

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makes for a very easy smash for your opponent.
So you want to get the ball nice and deep

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and close to the ends of the table. The other
thing is you want to try generate as much

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top spin as you can because the top spin makes
the ball kick off the table and forces the

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smasher back away from the table. That's where
you want them away from the table so that

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you have more time with your lob. So with
the lob get some top spin on the ball the

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stroke is very much like a top spin stroke
with the back hand and your starting low and

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finishing up high with a very vertical swing
to lift the ball in the air. Remember tactically

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get the ball deep on the table and try and
generate lots of top spin on the ball. To

00:01:29,320 --> 00:01:36,320
push your smasher away from the table.


Trung Sỹ
Strokes & Techniques tiếp theo
How to Counter a Slow Spinny Topsin
It can be difficult to know how to deal with a slow spinny topspin. Although the ball may be slow, the topspin makes it hard to return effectively. This lesson presents 3 options of how to counter such a ball.

00:00:00,630 --> 00:00:06,870
Our lesson today is about how to deal with
that slow spinny topspin. I'm Alois Rosario

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from PingSkills and with Jeff Plumb we are
going to show you how.

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We are going to cover three techniques The
first one is to use soft hands and block the ball.

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Our second technique is to punch the ball.

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And our third technique is to counter topspin
the ball.

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The slow spinny topspin often comes after you give your opponent a push or a chop and force

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them to really lift that ball with a lot of

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So to get the ball back down on the table
we need to counteract that topspin. The topspin

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is going to make that ball fly high up in
the air. We need to just turn the bat over

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and keep your hand and wrist nice and soft.

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So my bat is just angled over the ball so that it's directing the ball down on to the table rather than up into the air.

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The softness in your hand acts like a cushion. If your hand is really hard all the spin is

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going to be absorbed into the rubber and fly
out. So the softness just cushions the spin

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a little bit and makes the return a little
bit softer.

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When the ball is shorter on the table you
need to make sure that you get a little bit

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closer to the net. So that you are getting to
the bounce of the ball, otherwise the ball

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is coming up here and becomes very awkward.

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The principle on the forehand is very similar to the backhand so keeping your hand nice and soft and counteracting the amount of spin

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by turning you bat over the ball slightly.
Remember if you're moving in for the short

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ball on both the backhand and the forehand
for left handers we move our left foot in.

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For a right hander you move your right foot
in for both backhand and forehand.

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If the ball is coming at a reasonable depth
you just need to be nice and stable with your legs.

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Our second option is to punch the ball. With the punch you're generating a little bit more speed.

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To make the punch you need to start
with your bat up quite high, because from

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here you are going to come through in a straight
line. With the punch your contact is very

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flat, you don't want to bush the ball at all,because
that just slows down the contact. So we start

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up high, we come through nice and flat and
we want to keep the ball on the bat a very

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short amount of time so that it's just a real
fast contact on the ball.

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We want to also try and contact the ball at
a high point. From a high point we have a

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direct line onto the table.
If you contact the ball low it's very difficult

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to get that direct line without going into
the net.

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So from up here we have a direct line to punch the ball straight down onto the table.

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The principles of the forehand punch are very

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similar. Start with your bat up high and punch
straight through the ball.

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Our third option in dealing with that slow
spinny loop is to counter topspin the ball.

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To counter topspin the ball our starting position
is up at a similar height to our block and

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our punch. Now though we are going to contact
the ball with topspin by brushing over the

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top of the ball.
So our angle needs to be turned forward,

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so we are spinning over the ball. And the same with the forehand spinning over the ball.

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Because our opponent has given us a lot of
topspin we don't need to lift our stroke at

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all. Off a block or a back spin ball we might
need to lift our stroke to lift the ball over

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the net.
When our opponent has already put that topspin

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on for us we just need to come straight forward.

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So now we have three options, soft block, punch and counter top spin. The counter topspin is the most difficult for you to make

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because you're coming through with a fine
angle on your bat. So the contact becomes

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quite difficult. The other two, the soft block
and the punch are fairly similar in difficulty level.

00:07:09,800 --> 00:07:13,280
So out of your three options the soft block,

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the punch and the counterspin you need to
decide firstly what is comfortable for you

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and secondly what is going to be difficult
for me as your opponent. If I'm top spinning

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the ball and my opponent blocks it softly
it might be difficult for me because I've

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got to move forward to get to that ball. Similarly if I'm top spinning from quite close to the

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table and they punch the ball it might be
too fast for me and I might not be able to

00:07:37,669 --> 00:07:43,110
get to it. And the third option, if I topspin
and they counter spin it, well that is going

00:07:43,110 --> 00:07:47,229
to be difficult for anyone because the balls
going to come fast and the topspin is going

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to kick up and that is going to make it really


Đại Uý
Tiếp... 02 video phụ đề tiếng việt : Cắt phải, cắt trái (dịch TV : NTBB)

Cắt bóng Thuận tay / Forehand Chop

Backhand Chop / Cắt bóng trái tay


Super Moderators
Drop shot off a Lob / Bắt ngắn chống lại cú câu bóng bổng

Phần tiếng Anh

Drop shot off a Lob

00:00:04,599 --> 00:00:10,099
Hi I'm Alois Rosario from PingSkills today
we're going to show you how to execute the

00:00:10,099 --> 00:00:17,100
drop shot. When you force your opponent away
from the table, the important part with a

00:00:18,339 --> 00:00:22,949
drop shot is to keep it as close as you can
to the net. Even if the ball goes up a little

00:00:22,949 --> 00:00:28,368
bit higher get it as close as you can to the
net. That makes it a bigger distance for them

00:00:28,368 --> 00:00:35,368
to travel to get to the ball. So when we're
smashing we're trying to keep the person as

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far back as we can and to make the drop shot
we look for the short ball and come in close

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to the net. It really important to make the
drop shot off a ball that's landing short

00:01:04,780 --> 00:01:11,228
and close to the net. It's really difficult
if the ball lands deep in your court. So some

00:01:11,228 --> 00:01:16,118
things to concern when you're making the drop
shot, one is if you put a little bit of side

00:01:16,118 --> 00:01:22,090
spin on the ball it helps to keep the ball
short at the other end. The other important

00:01:22,090 --> 00:01:27,750
part is to keep your hand nice and soft and
relaxed. If your hand is tight the ball will

00:01:27,750 --> 00:01:33,019
bounce off a little bit further. So by keeping
the hand soft you going to absorb some of

00:01:33,019 --> 00:01:40,019
the speed and be able to keep the ball close
to the net. Your foot work is important for

00:01:46,420 --> 00:01:52,030
the drop shot off a lob. When you're smashing
you're quite side on to the table and further

00:01:52,030 --> 00:01:57,920
away from the table to make your smash. As
soon as you see the ball dropping short and

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ready for a drop shot you need to make sure
you move in and close to the net.

Phần tiếng Việt

Bắt ngắn chống lại cú câu bóng bổng

00:00:04,599 --> 00:00:10,099
Xin chào! Tôi là Alois Rosario đến từ PingSkills, hôm nay
chúng tôi sẽ trình bày cho các bạn cách thực hiện

00:00:10,099 --> 00:00:17,100
cú bắt bóng ngắn (bỏ nhỏ - ND). Khi bạn đã buộc đối thủ của bạn phải lùi ra
xa bàn, thì yếu tố quan trọng với cú

00:00:18,339 --> 00:00:22,949
bắt bóng ngắn là giữ cho bóng càng gần lưới càng tốt.
Ngay cả khi bóng bắn lên khá cao

00:00:22,949 --> 00:00:28,368
thì cũng hãy giữ nó càng gần lưới càng tốt.
Điều đó sẽ tạo ra 1 khoảng cách lớn hơn khi họ

00:00:28,368 --> 00:00:35,368
phải di chuyển vào để đánh bóng. Vì thế khi chúng ta
đập bóng chúng ta hãy cố gắng khiến cho đối phương

00:00:52,448 --> 00:00:58,298
phải lùi càng xa chúng ta càng tốt và để tạo 1 cú bắt bóng ngắn
chúng ta cần tìm kiếm đường bóng ngắn và rơi gần lưới.

00:00:58,298 --> 00:01:04,780
Thực sự quan trọng khi tạo ra cú bắt ngắn
trước 1 đường bóng rơi ngắn

00:01:04,780 --> 00:01:11,228
và gần lưới. Cú bắt ngắn sẽ thực sự khó khăn nếu bóng
đến rơi sâu phía cuối bàn của bạn . Do đó

00:01:11,228 --> 00:01:16,118
có 1 số điều cần quan tâm khi bạn tạo ra cú bắt ngắn,
một là nếu bạn đưa vào bóng một chút xoáy ngang

00:01:16,118 --> 00:01:22,090
thì nó sẽ giúp giữ quả bóng ngắn lại ở phía bên kia bàn.
Một yếu tố quan trọng khác

00:01:22,090 --> 00:01:27,750
là cần giữ bàn tay của bạn thoải mái, mềm mại và lỏng.
Nếu bàn tay của bạn nắm chặt thì bóng sẽ

00:01:27,750 --> 00:01:33,019
nảy ra xa hơn. Như vậy bằng việc giữ cho
bàn tay nhẹ nhàng, bạn đã hấp thụ được phần nào

00:01:33,019 --> 00:01:40,019
tốc độ và có thể giữ cho bóng sát lưới.
Bộ chân của bạn cũng rất quan trọng đối với

00:01:46,420 --> 00:01:52,030
việc bắt ngắn cú câu bóng bổng. Khi bạn đập bóng
là bạn đã hoàn toàn xoay ngang so với bàn và ở xa

00:01:52,030 --> 00:01:57,920
bàn để thực hiện cú đập bóng của bạn. Ngay khi
bạn thấy bóng rơi ngắn và

00:01:57,920 --> 00:02:04,920
sẵn sàng cho cú bắt ngắn thì bạn cần phải đảm bảo
rằng bạn di chuyển vào và tiếp cận gần lưới.

* Những điểm chính:

1. Thực hiện cú đánh trên những đường bóng ngắn.
2. Giữ cho bóng gần lưới.
3. Giữ tay bạn lỏng, mềm mại.
4. Cố gắng thêm vào một ít xoáy ngang.

(Hết Phần " Bắt ngắn chống lại cú câu bóng bổng")
Last edited:


Trung Sỹ
Strokes & Techniques tiếp theo
Chào ACE, do phần này bây giờ mới có phụ đề tiếng anh, nên giờ mới post. Thứ tự các bài sẽ sắp xếp lại sau nhé
Forehand Topspin Against Block
To win matches in Table Tennis, you need to learn this attacking stroke. The speed and spin you generate using this shot will make it very difficult for your opponents to return.
00:00:00,370 --> 00:00:05,740
Hi I'm Alois Rosario and I'm Jeff Plumb from
PingSkills.com and today we are going to talk

00:00:05,740 --> 00:00:12,740
about the forehand topspin against block.

00:00:18,100 --> 00:00:22,670
SO let us have a look at the 3 basic things
we need to consider with the forehand topspin

00:00:22,670 --> 00:00:23,410

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Firstly let us consider our leg position.
We need to have our feet nice and wide apart,

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you can either be quite square on to the table
or because it is more of an aggressive stroke

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you can turn a little bit more towards your
forehand side.

00:00:39,109 --> 00:00:43,629
The second thing we need to consider is your
start position. You are starting with your

00:00:43,629 --> 00:00:50,320
bat fairly flat you can turn it over, we will
talk about that a little bit later, but your

00:00:50,320 --> 00:00:57,320
starting position needs to be down and around
knee high or between your hip and you knee.

00:00:57,749 --> 00:01:03,899
The third thing to consider is we need to
make a brushing contact and then finish with

00:01:03,899 --> 00:01:10,890
your bat up nice and high above your head
with a 90 degree angle here and a 90 degree

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angle here.

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When you are starting out you can start with
a nice flat bat like Jeff is doing here. As

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you can see he is still generating topspin
on the ball by starting low and finishing

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high and he is brushing up the back of the
ball. But there will be a limit to how fast

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you can hit this type of stroke with such
a lifting action. Eventually the ball has

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to go off the end of the end of the table.
So how do we hit the ball faster? There are

00:01:57,910 --> 00:02:04,480
two things, one we need to turn our bat forward
and we need to get our stroke a little bit

00:02:04,480 --> 00:02:11,480
more forward as well. So rather than the very
lifting stroke now we are starting a little

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bit further back with the angle down and coming

00:03:01,540 --> 00:03:05,639
If you have found this lesson on the forehand
topspin useful, go to PingSkills.com where

00:03:05,639 --> 00:03:09,029
you will find lots more information about
the strokes of Table Tennis.


Super Moderators

Drop Shot off a Chop / Bắt ngắn chống lại cú cắt bóng

Phần tiếng Anh.

Drop Shot off a Chop

00:00:04,370 --> 00:00:09,959
Against a defensive chopper the drop shot
can be very effective. The chopper is much

00:00:09,959 --> 00:00:16,520
happier back away from the table when defending.
So if you can play a drop shot drag them in

00:00:16,520 --> 00:00:22,500
close to the table that gives you an opportunity
to play a strong ball at them when they are close to the table.

00:00:37,500 --> 00:00:42,300
To play a drop shot of a chop
it's important to wait for the chop that lands

00:00:42,350 --> 00:00:49,350
short on your side of the table. It's difficult
to do a drop shot if the chop lands deep on

00:00:49,399 --> 00:00:56,399
your side. Secondly think about keeping your
hand nice and soft and relaxed, keep your

00:00:56,460 --> 00:01:02,879
bat nice and open and try and hit the ball
as early as possible and as close to the net

00:01:02,879 --> 00:01:07,490
as you possibly can. To make sure that you
get close to the ball it's important to move

00:01:07,490 --> 00:01:14,490
your leg in close to the net.

00:01:22,400 --> 00:01:32,540
Another tactical
consideration is to make your drop shot to their weaker attacking side. So often the
defender might have a strong backhand attack

00:01:32,540 --> 00:01:38,100
or a strong forehand attack. So make sure
that you make that drop shot to their weaker side.

00:01:38,100 --> 00:01:44,100

Phần tiếng Việt

Bắt ngắn chống lại cú cắt bóng

00:00:04,370 --> 00:00:09,959
Đối phó với người chơi lối cắt bóng phòng thủ thì cú bắt ngắn
có thể sẽ rất hiệu quả. Người cắt bóng rất thích

00:00:09,959 --> 00:00:16,520
lùi ra xa bàn khi phòng thủ.
Vì thế nếu bạn có khả năng chơi 1 cú bắt ngắn kéo họ vào

00:00:16,520 --> 00:00:22,500
gần bàn thì điều đó sẽ tạo cho bạn cơ hội
chơi 1 đường bóng mạnh vào họ khi họ đang ở sát bàn.

00:00:37,500 --> 00:00:42,300
Để chơi 1 cú bắt ngắn trước cú cắt bóng
thì quan trọng là chờ đợi 1 quả cắt mà bóng rơi ngắn

00:00:42,350 --> 00:00:49,350
trên phần bàn của bạn. Sẽ rất khó để
thực hiện cú bắt ngắn khi cú cắt rơi sâu về cuối bàn

00:00:49,399 --> 00:00:56,399
của bạn. Yếu tố thứ 2 bạn cần nghĩ đến là giữ bàn tay
của bạn mềm mại và lỏng, giữ vợt của bạn

00:00:56,460 --> 00:01:02,879
mở ra, nhẹ nhàng và cố gắng đánh vào bóng
càng sớm càng tốt và gần lưới nhất

00:01:02,879 --> 00:01:07,490
có thể. Để chắc chắn là bạn vào gần bóng
thì quan trọng là phải di chuyển

00:01:07,490 --> 00:01:14,490
chân của bạn vào gần lưới.

00:01:22,400 --> 00:01:32,540
Một chiến thuật khác cần lưu ý là hướng cú bắt ngắn của bạn
đến phía mà đối thủ yếu về tấn công. Thường người chơi phòng thủ
có thể sở hữu 1 cú tấn công trái tay mạnh,

00:01:32,540 --> 00:01:38,100
hoặc 1 cú tấn công thuận tay mạnh. Vì thế cần chắc chắn
rằng bạn đưa cú bắt ngắn về phía yếu hơn của họ.

00:01:38,100 --> 00:01:44,100
* Các điểm chính

1. Thực hiện cú đánh trên các các đường bóng ngắn.
2. Giữ bàn tay bạn lỏng, mềm mại.
3. Mở mặt vợt của bạn để chống lại xoáy của bóng đến.
4. Đưa bóng về phía yếu hơn của đối thủ.

(Hết Phần "Bắt ngắn chống lại cú cắt bóng")


Thượng Tá
Dịch phụ đề cho bài
Forehand Topspin Against Block - Giật thuận tay đối với Bóng chặn

Phần tiếng Anh
00:00:00,370 --> 00:00:05,740
Hi I'm Alois Rosario and I'm Jeff Plumb from
PingSkills.com and today we are going to talk

00:00:05,740 --> 00:00:12,740
about the forehand topspin against block.

00:00:18,100 --> 00:00:22,670
SO let us have a look at the 3 basic things
we need to consider with the forehand topspin

00:00:22,670 --> 00:00:23,410

00:00:23,410 --> 00:00:29,050
Firstly let us consider our leg position.
We need to have our feet nice and wide apart,

00:00:29,050 --> 00:00:34,059
you can either be quite square on to the table
or because it is more of an aggressive stroke

00:00:34,059 --> 00:00:39,109
you can turn a little bit more towards your
forehand side.

00:00:39,109 --> 00:00:43,629
The second thing we need to consider is your
start position. You are starting with your

00:00:43,629 --> 00:00:50,320
bat fairly flat you can turn it over, we will
talk about that a little bit later, but your

00:00:50,320 --> 00:00:57,320
starting position needs to be down and around
knee high or between your hip and you knee.

00:00:57,749 --> 00:01:03,899
The third thing to consider is we need to
make a brushing contact and then finish with

00:01:03,899 --> 00:01:10,890
your bat up nice and high above your head
with a 90 degree angle here and a 90 degree

00:01:10,890 --> 00:01:15,240
angle here.

00:01:15,240 --> 00:01:22,240
When you are starting out you can start with
a nice flat bat like Jeff is doing here. As

00:01:30,560 --> 00:01:35,700
you can see he is still generating topspin
on the ball by starting low and finishing

00:01:35,700 --> 00:01:42,700
high and he is brushing up the back of the
ball. But there will be a limit to how fast

00:01:44,960 --> 00:01:51,960
you can hit this type of stroke with such
a lifting action. Eventually the ball has

00:01:53,010 --> 00:01:57,910
to go off the end of the end of the table.
So how do we hit the ball faster? There are

00:01:57,910 --> 00:02:04,480
two things, one we need to turn our bat forward
and we need to get our stroke a little bit

00:02:04,480 --> 00:02:11,480
more forward as well. So rather than the very
lifting stroke now we are starting a little

00:02:11,769 --> 00:02:18,769
bit further back with the angle down and coming

00:03:01,540 --> 00:03:05,639
If you have found this lesson on the forehand
topspin useful, go to PingSkills.com where

00:03:05,639 --> 00:03:09,029
you will find lots more information about
the strokes of Table Tennis.

Phần tiếng Việt
00:00:00,370 --> 00:00:05,740
Xin chào, tôi là Alois Rosario và tôi là Jeff Plumb
đến từ PingSkills.com, hôm nay chúng tôi sẽ nói

00:00:05,740 --> 00:00:12,740
về Giật thuận đối với Bóng chặn.

00:00:16,100 --> 00:00:20,670
Nào chúng ta cùng xem xét 3 vấn đề cơ bản
cần phải chú ý cho

00:00:20,670 --> 00:00:23,410
cú giật thuận.

00:00:23,410 --> 00:00:29,050
Thứ nhất, cần phải chú ý vị trí chân mình.
Hai chân phải đứng đúng tư thế dạng rộng,

00:00:29,050 --> 00:00:34,059
Bạn có thể hoặc đứng vuông góc với bàn,
hoặc - vì đây là cú đánh gây áp lực nên -

00:00:34,059 --> 00:00:38,709
bạn có thể xoay chếch sang phía thuận tay một chút.

00:00:38,709 --> 00:00:43,629
Thứ hai, chúng ta cần phải chú ý vị trí bắt đầu.
Bạn cần bắt đầu với

00:00:43,629 --> 00:00:50,320
vợt mở gần như “dựng đứng”. Tuy nhiên,
bạn có thể để úp, và ta sẽ đề cập thêm về sau,

00:00:50,320 --> 00:00:57,420
nhưng vị trí vợt cần thấp ngang gối, hoặc
khoảng giữa hông và gối bạn.

00:00:57,649 --> 00:01:03,899
Vấn đề thứ ba cần chú ý là ta cần phải thực hiện
miết bóng khi tiếp xúc và sau đó vợt kết thúc

00:01:03,899 --> 00:01:09,390
đúng vị trí ở trên cao tầm đầu của mình
với góc 90 độ tại khuỷu tay

00:01:09,390 --> 00:01:13,240
và góc 90 độ tại nách.

00:01:23,240 --> 00:01:30,240
Khi mới bắt đầu, bạn có thể để vợt mở dựng đứng
giống như Jeff đang làm thế kia.

00:01:30,250 --> 00:01:35,700
Như bạn thấy, anh ta vẫn đang tạo xoáy lên bóng
với vợt xuất phát từ dưới thấp, kết thúc ở trên cao

00:01:35,700 --> 00:01:44,700
và thực hiện miết bóng tại phía sau lưng của bóng.
Nhưng, như vậy sẽ bị hạn chế về tốc độ

00:01:44,960 --> 00:01:52,960
nếu bạn chỉ đánh với kiểu động tác nâng bóng này.
Thỉnh thoảng, bóng sẽ bay

00:01:53,010 --> 00:01:57,910
vượt quá bàn ra ngoài.
Vậy làm thế nào để ta đánh bóng nhanh hơn?

00:01:57,910 --> 00:02:04,480
Có 2 yếu tố: Thứ nhất, ta cần úp vợt về phía trước;
Kế đến, động tác đánh có chút ít

00:02:04,480 --> 00:02:11,480
cũng hướng về phía trước. Như vậy, động tác không chỉ
là cú đánh nâng bóng đơn thuần, mà vợt bắt đầu

00:02:11,769 --> 00:02:18,769
hơi lui về phía sau có góc độ úp và hướng đánh về phía trước.

00:02:59,540 --> 00:03:05,639
Nếu bạn thấy bài học về giật thuận tay này hữu ích,
Hãy đến với PingSkills.com

00:03:05,639 --> 00:03:09,029
nơi bạn sẽ tìm thêm được rất nhiều thông tin
về các cú đánh bóng bàn.
Last edited:


Super Moderators

Lob Against Smash / Câu bóng bổng đối phó với cú đập bóng

Phần tiếng Anh

Lob Against Smash

There is a lot more to a successful lob than simply getting the ball back on the table. Watch this lesson to learn how to improve your chances of winning the point when forced back from the table.

00:00:06,049 --> 00:00:10,879
To execute the lob in table tennis you need
to have a stroke that is very similar to your

00:00:10,879 --> 00:00:15,760
top spin stroke. So with both the forehand
and backhand you are starting low and finishing

00:00:15,760 --> 00:00:22,760
high. With the lob what you want to do is
brush the ball up and get the ball high up

00:00:23,369 --> 00:00:26,079
into the air to give yourself a little bit
more time. The contact is like the top spin

00:00:26,079 --> 00:00:33,079
brushing the ball a little bit to get a bit
of top spin on the ball. Where you want to

00:00:33,910 --> 00:00:39,590
place the ball when your lobbing tactically
it's really important that you get the ball

00:00:39,590 --> 00:00:44,879
nice and long and deep on the table. If you
get the ball short and close to the net it

00:00:44,879 --> 00:00:51,879
makes for a very easy smash for your opponent.
So you want to get the ball nice and deep

00:00:51,890 --> 00:00:54,660
and close to the ends of the table. The other
thing is you want to try generate as much

00:00:54,660 --> 00:00:59,559
top spin as you can because the top spin makes
the ball kick off the table and forces the

00:00:59,559 --> 00:01:04,110
smasher back away from the table. That's where
you want them away from the table so that

00:01:04,110 --> 00:01:11,110
you have more time with your lob. So with
the lob get some top spin on the ball the

00:01:11,250 --> 00:01:14,910
stroke is very much like a top spin stroke
with the back hand and your starting low and

00:01:14,910 --> 00:01:21,910
finishing up high with a very vertical swing
to lift the ball in the air. Remember tactically

00:01:24,570 --> 00:01:29,320
get the ball deep on the table and try and
generate lots of top spin on the ball. To

00:01:29,320 --> 00:01:36,320
push your smasher away from the table.

Phần tiếng Việt

Câu bóng bổng đối phó với cú đập bóng

Sẽ có nhiều thành công với cú câu bóng bổng hơn là chỉ đưa bóng vào bàn một cách đơn giản. Hãy quan sát bài học này để học cách cải thiện các cơ hội thắng điểm của bạn khi bị buộc phải lùi ra xa bàn.

00:00:06,049 --> 00:00:10,879
Để thực hiện cú câu bóng bổng trong BB, bạn cần
thực hiện cú đánh khá giống với cú giật

00:00:10,879 --> 00:00:15,760
của bạn. Do đó cả 2 cú câu bóng bổng thuận tay
và trái tay bạn đều phải xuất phát ở thấp và kết thúc

00:00:15,760 --> 00:00:22,760
ở trên cao. Với cú câu bóng bổng, cái mà bạn cần làm là
miết bóng lên trên và đưa bóng lên cao

00:00:23,369 --> 00:00:26,079
trong không trung để tạo điều kiện cho mình có nhiều
thời gian hơn. Việc tiếp xúc bóng là giống như cú giật,

00:00:26,079 --> 00:00:33,079
bằng cách miết vào bóng một chút để đưa vào bóng
một ít xoáy lên. Trong đó bạn cần

00:00:33,910 --> 00:00:39,590
đặt điểm rơi khi bạn dùng chiến thuật câu bóng bổng
rất quan trọng là bạn phải đưa bóng

00:00:39,590 --> 00:00:44,879
tương đối dài và sâu trên bàn.
Nếu bạn đưa bóng ngắn và gần lưới

00:00:44,879 --> 00:00:51,879
thì sẽ tạo ra một cú đập dễ dàng cho đối thủ của bạn.
Vì thế bạn cần đưa bóng sâu

00:00:51,890 --> 00:00:54,660
và sát các mép cuối bàn. Một điều nữa mà bạn
cần làm là cố gắng tạo ra càng nhiều xoáy lên

00:00:54,660 --> 00:00:59,559
càng tốt vì xoáy lên sẽ làm cho bóng
bắn chồm ra khỏi bàn và đẩy người đập bóng

00:00:59,559 --> 00:01:04,110
phải lùi ra xa bàn. Tức là bạn cần họ
phải lùi ra xa bàn nhằm để

00:01:04,110 --> 00:01:11,110
cho bạn có nhiều thời gian cho cú câu bóng bổng của mình.
Vì thế với cú câu bóng bổng có một ít xoáy lên trên bóng

00:01:11,250 --> 00:01:14,910
thì cú đánh sẽ rất giống như cú giật
với tay lùi ra sau, xuất phát thấp và

00:01:14,910 --> 00:01:21,910
kết thúc trên cao với đà vung vợt khá thẳng đứng
để nâng quả bóng lên không trung. Cần nhớ chiến thuật

00:01:24,570 --> 00:01:29,320
đưa bóng sâu về cuối bàn và cố gắng
tạo ra thật nhiều xoáy lên trên bóng.

00:01:29,320 --> 00:01:36,320
Hãy đẩy đối thủ đang đập bóng của bạn ra xa bàn.

(Hết Phần "Câu bóng bổng đối phó với cú đập bóng")


Đại Uý
Drop Shot off a Chop / Bắt ngắn chống lại cú cắt bóng

Forehand Topspin Against Block - Giật thuận tay đối với Bóng chặn

Lob Against Smash / Câu bóng bổng đối phó với cú đập bóng

Last edited by a moderator:


Trung Sỹ
Strokes & Techniques tiếp theo
Topspin Against Topspin
00:00:00,459 --> 00:00:06,009
Hi I'm Alois Rosario from PingSkills. Today
we are going to talk about Topspin against

00:00:06,009 --> 00:00:13,009
Topspin. The technique for Topspin against
Topspin is very similar to all our other forehand

00:00:26,619 --> 00:00:33,619
techniques. You are starting down finishing
up above your eye level. A couple of differences.

00:00:34,300 --> 00:00:39,230
Firstly because you tend to be a little bit
further back from the table you can have a

00:00:39,230 --> 00:00:44,480
longer swing at the ball. The second thing
is that because they have already put the

00:00:44,480 --> 00:00:48,859
topspin on the ball you don't need to lift
the ball up. It is more a matter of getting

00:00:48,859 --> 00:00:53,210
the ball forward and generating some topspin
on the ball as well.

00:00:53,210 --> 00:01:00,210
You can see here Jeff starting a little bit
higher and coming more forward with his stroke.

00:01:00,489 --> 00:01:05,990
The angle of his bat is turned over again
to try and counter at the topspin that is

00:01:05,990 --> 00:01:12,990
already on the ball.

00:01:24,860 --> 00:01:30,060
So tactically what are you going to try and
do when you are doing Topspin to Topspin.

00:01:30,060 --> 00:01:36,240
I see lots and lots of people when they are
doing Topspin to Topspin just going fast fast.

00:01:36,240 --> 00:01:40,640
That is not the way to go. The idea is to
vary the amount of spin that you are putting

00:01:40,640 --> 00:01:46,820
on the ball and the speed. The other important
thing is trying to get the ball deep on the

00:01:46,820 --> 00:01:52,009
other end of the table. By getting the ball
deep, you are forcing your opponent away from

00:01:52,009 --> 00:01:56,439
the table. If you get it short and close to
the net they can come in and really attack

00:01:56,439 --> 00:01:57,710
at you.

00:01:57,710 --> 00:02:01,789
The other important tactic when you are playing
Topspin to Topspin is to try and change the

00:02:01,789 --> 00:02:07,439
direction. I see way too many people just
enjoying that topspin to topspin and going

00:02:07,439 --> 00:02:12,810
forehand to forehand. Change it into their
backhand corner sometimes try and make them

00:02:12,810 --> 00:02:17,330
play a backhand which often isn't as strong
as their forehand.

00:02:17,330 --> 00:02:21,690
In the Topspin to Topspin rally you are trying
to gain an advantage by getting closer to

00:02:21,690 --> 00:02:26,550
the table. As soon as you see that ball drop
short near the net try and force your way

00:02:26,550 --> 00:02:32,210
in to make the more powerful stroke. If your
opponent forces you back away from the table

00:02:32,210 --> 00:02:37,910
your shots become a little bit less powerful
and you give your opponent just that little

00:02:37,910 --> 00:02:43,190
bit more time to make their Topspin stroke.
Try and push in and take the advantage away

00:02:43,190 --> 00:02:50,190
from your opponent.


Trung Sỹ
Strokes & Techniques tiếp theo
Sidespin Forehand Topspin
Curve the ball past your opponent with the sidespin forehand topspin. The sidespin not only causes the ball to curve but also makes it very difficult to return.
00:00:07,509 --> 00:00:12,670
To put some sidespin on your topspin the
main thing is to use your wrist. If you have

00:00:12,670 --> 00:00:18,830
your wrist nice and straight you will get
straight topspin on the ball, if however you

00:00:18,830 --> 00:00:24,680
drop your wrist you are going to start to
curve around the outside of the ball. If you

00:00:24,680 --> 00:00:31,680
lift your wrist up you're going to curve on
the inside of the ball and get the ball to fade away.

00:00:44,890 --> 00:00:48,859
The crucial thing to getting some side spin
on the ball is to control the end of your

00:00:48,859 --> 00:00:54,449
racket. If you drop the end of your racket
the ball is going to curve one way. If you

00:00:54,449 --> 00:01:00,219
lift the end of your racket it will curve
the other way. So that position there is the

00:01:00,219 --> 00:01:07,219
crucial factor in the amount of side spin you are going to get on the ball.

00:01:14,000 --> 00:01:19,660
So when would you use the sidespin topspin.
The main idea is to try and drag your opponent

00:01:19,660 --> 00:01:25,050
away from the center of the table. If you're
trying to drag them away across there you

00:01:25,050 --> 00:01:30,740
would use the hook to curve the ball out wide
that way. If you are trying drag your opponent

00:01:30,740 --> 00:01:35,840
out that way you would use the slide or the
fade stroke. You are just trying to make sure

00:01:35,840 --> 00:01:39,800
you are trying to get your opponent out of

00:01:46,980 --> 00:01:51,250
Another advantage of using some side spin
with your topspin is that it makes it difficult

00:01:51,250 --> 00:01:55,920
for the blocker, because it's something different.
they are very used to the straight topspin

00:01:55,920 --> 00:02:02,920
coming at them but when the ball is curving
the ball becomes a little bit harder to block.

00:02:10,060 --> 00:02:14,760
Of course there is the disadvantage of trying
to use the sidespin with your topspin. It

00:02:14,760 --> 00:02:19,540
becomes a little less consistent because you are not getting the pure topspin to dip the ball

00:02:19,540 --> 00:02:26,540
onto the table. The sidespin tends to make
the shot a little bit less accurate.


Thượng Tá
Dịch phụ đề cho bài
Sidespin Forehand Topspin - Giật xoáy ngang thuận tay

Phần tiếng Anh
00:00:07,509 --> 00:00:12,670
To put some sidespin on your topspin the
main thing is to use your wrist. If you have

00:00:12,670 --> 00:00:18,830
your wrist nice and straight you will get
straight topspin on the ball, if however you

00:00:18,830 --> 00:00:24,680
drop your wrist you are going to start to
curve around the outside of the ball. If you

00:00:24,680 --> 00:00:31,680
lift your wrist up you're going to curve on
the inside of the ball and get the ball to fade away.

00:00:44,890 --> 00:00:48,859
The crucial thing to getting some side spin
on the ball is to control the end of your

00:00:48,859 --> 00:00:54,449
racket. If you drop the end of your racket
the ball is going to curve one way. If you

00:00:54,449 --> 00:01:00,219
lift the end of your racket it will curve
the other way. So that position there is the

00:01:00,219 --> 00:01:07,219
crucial factor in the amount of side spin
you are going to get on the ball.

00:01:14,000 --> 00:01:19,660
So when would you use the sidespin topspin.
The main idea is to try and drag your opponent

00:01:19,660 --> 00:01:25,050
away from the center of the table. If you're
trying to drag them away across there you

00:01:25,050 --> 00:01:30,740
would use the hook to curve the ball out wide
that way. If you are trying drag your opponent

00:01:30,740 --> 00:01:35,840
out that way you would use the slide or the
fade stroke. You are just trying to make sure

00:01:35,840 --> 00:01:39,800
you are trying to get your opponent out of

00:01:46,980 --> 00:01:51,250
Another advantage of using some side spin
with your topspin is that it makes it difficult

00:01:51,250 --> 00:01:55,920
for the blocker, because it's something different.
they are very used to the straight topspin

00:01:55,920 --> 00:02:02,920
coming at them but when the ball is curving
the ball becomes a little bit harder to block.

00:02:10,060 --> 00:02:14,760
Of course there is the disadvantage of trying
to use the sidespin with your topspin. It

00:02:14,760 --> 00:02:19,540
becomes a little less consistent because
you are not getting the pure topspin to dip the ball

00:02:19,540 --> 00:02:26,540
onto the table. The sidespin tends to make
the shot a little bit less accurate.

Phần tiếng Việt
00:00:07,509 --> 00:00:11,470
Để thêm phần xoáy ngang trong cú giật,
vấn đề chính là sử dụng cổ tay của bạn.

00:00:11,470 --> 00:00:17,130
Nếu bạn để cổ tay thẳng ngang bạn chỉ có
cú giật bóng xoáy lên thuần túy;

00:00:17,130 --> 00:00:24,150
Nhưng nếu bạn thả chúc cổ tay xuống, là bạn sẽ
tiếp giáp vòng cung phía ngoài của bóng.

00:00:24,150 --> 00:00:31,680
Nếu chổng ngược cổ tay lên, là bạn tiếp giáp vòng cung
phía trong của bóng, làm nó lạng ra phía tay thuận.

00:00:44,890 --> 00:00:49,359
Yếu tố quyết định để tạo thêm xoáy ngang cho bóng
là điều chỉnh hướng của đỉnh đầu vợt.

00:00:49,359 --> 00:00:53,749
Nếu bạn để đầu vợt chúc xuống,
bóng sẽ đi cong vào, sang hướng này.

00:00:53,749 --> 00:00:57,719
Nếu đầu vợt chổng lên, thì đường bóng sẽ
lạng cong ra, sang hướng ngược lại.

00:00:57,719 --> 00:01:05,219
Vì vậy, chính vị trí của đỉnh đầu vợt này nó sẽ
quyết định tình trạng xoáy ngang bạn tạo cho bóng.

00:01:13,400 --> 00:01:19,660
Thế khi nào bạn nên sử dụng giật xoáy ngang?
Ý đồ chính là cố gắng đẩy xa đối thủ

00:01:19,660 --> 00:01:25,050
ra khỏi vùng chính giữa với bàn.
Nếu bạn muống đẩy đối thủ sang hướng này,

00:01:25,050 --> 00:01:30,740
bạn cần sử dụng cú móc để làm đường bóng cong
vào để sang hướng này. Nếu bạn định đẩy đối thủ

00:01:30,740 --> 00:01:35,840
sang hướng kia, bạn cần sử dụng cú miết lạng ra/
(lái cổ tay). Cần chắc chắn rằng,

00:01:35,840 --> 00:01:39,300
bạn làm như vậy là để đẩy xa đối thủ ra khỏi vị trí.

00:01:46,980 --> 00:01:51,250
Một ưu điểm nữa trong việc sử dụng thêm
xoáy ngang khi giật là nó sẽ gây khó khăn hơn

00:01:51,250 --> 00:01:55,920
cho đối thủ kê chặn, vì có ít nhiều biến đổi.
Họ đang quen với các đường bóng xoáy lên

00:01:55,920 --> 00:02:02,920
đơn thuần tới, nhưng khi đường bóng có thêm phần
cong ngang thì việc chặn bóng trở lên khó khăn hơn.

00:02:10,060 --> 00:02:14,460
Tuy nhiên, cũng có nhược điểm khi sử dụng
thêm xoáy ngang trong cú giật.

00:02:14,460 --> 00:02:21,840
Nó sẽ kém ổn định hơn vì bạn không có được
xoáy lên thuần túy để dễ đưa bóng rơi cắm vào bàn.

00:02:21,840 --> 00:02:26,540
Xu hướng của xoáy ngang là tự làm cho
chính cú đánh của mình giảm đi độ chính xác.

00:02:51,400 --> 00:02:56,540
1. Hạ chúc cổ tay cho cú Móc;

00:02:56,600 --> 00:03:01,640
2. Chổng ngược cổ tay cho cú Lái;
3. Đẩy xa đối thủ sang ngang;

00:03:01,700 --> 00:03:06,740
4. Xoáy ngang gây khó cho kê chặn;
5. Cú đánh này có độ tin cậy không cao.
Last edited:


Thượng Tá
Strokes & Techniques tiếp theo
Chào ACE, do phần này bây giờ mới có phụ đề tiếng anh, nên giờ mới post. Thứ tự các bài sẽ sắp xếp lại sau nhé
Theo em thì tổng số 36 bài, PingSkills xếp theo thứ tự như sau:
1. Get a Grip | 04:03
Learning the correct way to hold the bat is essential. The correct grip allows you to develop your strokes using the correct technique.
2. How To Serve | 03:58
Having problems with a basic serve? This lesson gives you simple pointers that make it easy for you to start serving legally.
3. The Most Important Skill | 02:58
Learn what PingSkills thinks is the most important skill to master. Although this is a very simple lesson, the idea applies to every level of player.
4. Basic Stance | 02:16
The quickest way to tell the difference between a beginner and an expert Table Tennis player is how they stand. Alois explains how and why you should concentrate on your basic stance.
5. Forehand Counterhit | 04:04
This is the first stroke every player should learn. Once you have mastered this shot, you can easily build upon it and learn more advanced strokes.
6. Backhand Counterhit | 04:54
The backhand counterhit is a very important stroke. You need to master this to progress onto the backhand block and backhand topspin strokes.
7. The Finish Position (PREMIUM) | 03:21
If you are having troubles learning a new stroke then then focus on the finish position. It is the most important aspect.
8. Backhand Push | 03:13
The backhand push is a defensive stroke using backspin to make it hard for your opponent to attack. Watch this video lesson to learn how to play it.
9. Forehand Push | 03:17
The forehand push is a defensive stroke using backspin. This lesson will teach you how to play this stroke effectively.
10. The Push in Detail (PREMIUM) | 06:56
Having a great short push can be the difference between being an average player and being a great player.
11. Forehand Topspin Against Block | 03:10
To win matches in Table Tennis, you need to learn this attacking stroke. The speed and spin you generate using this shot will make it very difficult for your opponents to return.
12. Backhand Topspin Against Block | 01:38
The backhand topspin is an attacking stroke that once mastered will win you lots of points. Try and learn this stroke alongside the forehand topspin.
13. Correcting Errors (PREMIUM) | 01:00
When trying to correct an error in your technique, try thinking of it as learning a new stroke.
14. Backhand Block | 03:24
The backhand block is used to counter a topspin stroke. Once you can return your opponents attacking strokes, you will take your game to a new level.
15. Forehand Block | 03:24
The forehand block is one way to counter a topspin stroke hit to your forehand side. Learn this stroke and you will be able to keep yourself in the rally even when your opponent get the first attack
16. Forehand Smash | 03:56
The forehand smash is a harder stroke to play than it looks. Follow the tips on this video lesson to ensure your smash is an effective weapon.
17. Forehand Topspin Off Backspin | 02:19
Take your attacking game to a new level by learning how to topspin a backspin ball with your forehand. This video lesson will give you some essential pointers to lift the ball over the net.
18. Backhand Topspin Off Backspin | 04:13
This lesson provides you with some tips to deal with a backspin ball when playing the backhand topspin loop.
19. Forehand Flick | 04:56
When your opponent plays a short ball to your forehand, you can play an attacking stroke by using the flick. This stroke is also known as the flip.
20. Backhand Flick | 03:48
The backhand flick allows you to attack a short ball. Learn this stroke to make it more difficult for your opponent to stop you attacking.
21. Forehand Chop | 03:19
The forehand chop is a defensive stroke played away from the table. It is mainly used by defenders but can also be incorporated into an attackers game when forced away from the table.
22. Backhand Chop | 03:39
This video lesson teaches the backhand chop. It also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using long pimples on your backhand.
23. Drop Shot off a Lob | 02:23
Learn the best way to play the drop shot off a lob and expand your options for winning the point once you have forced your opponent into lobbing.
24. Drop Shot off a Chop | 02:04
When playing against a chopper, it is important to use the drop shot to break up your opponents rhythym. By forcing them to come close to the table, your next offensive storke will be more effective.
25. Lob | 02:37
There is a lot more to a successful lob than simply getting the ball back on the table. Watch this lesson to learn how to improve your chances of winning the point when forced back from the table.
26. Counter a Slow Spinny Topspin | 08:07
It is difficult to return slow spinny topspins. Although the ball is slow, the topspin makes it hard to return effectively. This video demonstrates 3 ways to counter such a ball.
27. Topspin to Topspin | 03:39
This lesson discusses how to play a topspin off a topspin. This is also known loop to loop and is one of the most spectacular rallies in Table Tennis.
28. Sidespin Forehand Topspin | 03:08
Curve the ball past your opponent with the sidespin forehand topspin. The sidespin not only causes the ball to curve but also makes it very difficult to return.
29. Backhand Sidespin Flick | 04:09
Attack the short ball and make it much harder for your opponent to deal with by imparting sidespin on the ball. This lesson teaches you how to play this increasingly popular shot.
30. Leg Position (PREMIUM) | 02:42
One easy way to spot a beginner is from their leg position. Beginners tend to stand up straight.
31. Footwork Basics | 04:04
This lesson teaches you the basics of how to move around the court. Table Tennis is a very fast game so it's important to learn how to get into position quickly. Follow these tips and you'll be moving
32. Anticipation (PREMIUM) | 03:19
How is it that a player can always seem to get back those extremely fast topspins? Is it their incredible anticipation?
33. Advanced Forehand Topspin (PREMIUM) | 7:55
Once you've mastered the start and finish position of the forehand topspin, you can focus on finer details. In this video we discuss weight transfer, use of the wrist, bat angles and more.
34. Long Pimple Chop Block (PREMIUM) | 4:05
Learn how to play the chop block using long pimples
35. LP Attack Against Backspin (PREMIUM) | 1:33
Learn how to attack backspin balls when you are using long pimples.
36. Backhand Smash | 04:15
Our advice is to avoid the backhand smash and play the forehand smash instead. However if you do need to play it, watch this video for the correct technique.

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